On January 22, 2024, Pesantren Alam Sayang Ibu organized a live-in event participated by 7th-grade students in Mas Mas village, Middle Lombok. Nune and Dende stayed in Mas Mas village for a week, living with the local residents. They observed the village’s crafts and household industries, such as ketak crafts (crafts made from wild grass) and the production of cassava and banana stem chips.

Not only that, Nune and Dende also observed the terrestrial ecosystem in Mas Mas Village. At the end of the activity, they also participated in cleaning the surrounding village in a mutual cooperation action (Gotong Royong). Certainly, their participation was positively welcomed by the local residents.

Through this activity, it is hoped that Nune and Dende can learn about the crafts and home industries of the local community, get to know the surrounding nature better. 

Above all, they also learn how to live peacefully with nature.

القرويون مجتمع واحد يخلقون حياة مترابطة ومستدامة

“The villages are one community, they create an interconnected and sustainable life.”

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