Good News From TPP

PEMUDA, di tangannya "perubahan" menjadi kata yang tak mustahil dilakukan. This is what we firmly believe! And, MSI, we are on our way of creating something for better future.

Runinten, salah seorang peserta didik MSI, kini tergabung dalam jaringan peneliti muda internasional--Global Change Makers-- dibawah payung The Pollination Project (TPP) bersama dengan para grantee lainnya yang tersebar di lebih dari 80 negara.

Proposal tim Runinten terpilih sebagai salah satu penerima hibah The Seedling Project dari Mantasa Indonesia yang bermitra dengan TPP di Amerika Serikat. Keduanya adalah NGO yang fokus pada kerja-kerja ekologi dan pangan dengan imbas sosial.

Proposal Runinten berjudul "Pelestarian dan Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Biji-bijian Lokal Sebagai Sumber Pangan Masyarakat".  "Idenya sederhana saja. Kami mengidentifikasi jenis kacang-kacangan lokal yang sering dimanfaatkan di masyarakat, kemudian kami cari bibitnya untuk ditanam. Selama ini, tanaman kacang hanya diolah begitu saja, menjadi tempe atau sayur. Kami ingin kacang-kacangan ini bisa menjadi sumber pangan yang diolah lebih bervariasi dan rasanya tetap lezat," cerita Runinten.

Greatness usually comes from simple thing, right?

Berikut adalah kutipan berita tentang Runinten yang dimuat di website TPP. MSI Proud!

The UN has declared 2016 the International Year of Pulses. Important for both their health benefits – pulses are a great source of plant-based protein – and for their environmental benefits, pulses not only require no fertilization and little water, but actually increase the quality of the soil as they grow by increasing its ability to hold carbon and nitrogen. Because they act as fertilizers for the soil, other crops grown afterwards in the same fields require far less fertilization, reducing the amount of nitrogen-based fertilizers which run off the fields and pollute rivers and oceans.

On Lombok island in Indonesia, eighth-grader Runinten and her friends have picked up on the importance of pulses as a potential crop for the dry soil of their island. These eighth-graders have set out to research, collect, and conserve local varieties of legumes which will then be cultivated and distributed to their community to increase local food security and diversity and to replenish the soils of their island.

Youth Environment Hub team member, Hayu Dyah, told us that she was impressed by Runinten’s strong leadership skills, and by her commitment to the health of her classmates and her island’s soil. This flow fund grant will enable the collection and cultivation of local varieties of legumes, along with an education program.


Thanks, TPP! For allowing our students be part of the great work!

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