On January 28, 2024, Pesantren Alam Sayang Ibu held an Open Mind event and New Student Admission Test. The Open Mind event was attended by prospective students' guardians, where Dr. Jamaludin Abdullah, M.Ed, the head of the pesantren, delivered a speech and provided a thorough explanation of the philosophy, vision and mission of Pesantren Alam Sayang Ibu.

Man of Khalifah, A Philosophical Basis of Pamsi. Khalifah is the exclusive ultimate goal of the presence of human being in this world. For us as human, being khalifah is the essence of worshiping Allah. It is through forces of spiritual vitality, knowledge of the universe and adaptability, humans are expected to be able to carry out the role of khalifah. Obviously, it is not an easy mission. But with the gift of competence as the best creature (ahsanu taqwim), bi-idznillah, humans can carry it out perfectly.

Subsequently, Dr. Immy Suci Rohyani, M.Si, the director of education, introduced the staff and teachers involved in Pesantren Alam Sayang Ibu, and explained the system, curriculum, and learning activities at the pesantren.

Meanwhile, the prospective students participated in the admission test activities. For the Junior High level, they participated in team-building activities, while Senior High level prospective students took a written test and participated in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD).

The purpose of these activities was to provide a comprehensive understanding to prospective students' guardians about the pesantren and to assess the abilities and potentialities of prospective students through the admission tests.

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