“I am so impressed, the environment management system is running well and has met the existing standards,” said Ms Isna Laely Rahmah, the Analyst of Water Conservation and Environmental Affairs, on her visit to Pesantren Alam Sayang Ibu (Friday, 2/2/2024).
As the representative of Provincial Environmental Agency, Ms Isna and her colleagues present the Adiwiyata Certificate to the Pesantren Alam Sayang Ibu. During the visit, they also took a tour to admire the beauty of the environment at Pesantren Alam Sayang Ibu.
They provided positive insights and inspiring messages regarding the environmental conservation efforts carried out by Pesantren Alam Sayang Ibu. The presence of the provincial environmental agency and their appreciation reflect recognition toward the pesantren's commitment to the environmental preservation.
تحافظوا من الأرض فإنها أمكم
Take care of this earth, because she is your mother. — Muhammad SAW, the Prophet
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